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Wednesday, 17 October 2018

How uncertainty leads us to depend on God

I will be the first to admit that I have my days when I struggle to know what my future looks like.  I hate the unknown especially when I really hope and want a certain outcome to happen. I often get plagued by my insecurities or fears of scenarios that could happen and I feel like I’m so out of control which I absolutely hate. (Today and yesterday has been one of those days, so I decided to write what I’ve learned from this during my quiet time with the lord. )

Because of the society we live in ( well for me anyway), we are accustomed to wanting answers to every detail of our lives. We are desperate about wanting to know what the next step in life should be. Should I pursue higher education? What career should I pursue? Should I buy a new home, maybe I should get a new job? When is the right time to have children? Am I ready for ministry?

For example in a dating, we are prone to try and seize control of the situation. Affection and vulnerability with a lack of covenantal commitment is a tension that can end in either in a breakup or marriage. The stakes are high on both sides, and the pressure and fear that accompanies those stakes very likely will not be resolved in the dating process. So comes the unknown question of will I marry this person that im dating etc... In addition, there are difficulties such as sickness, finances, loss of a job, insecurity, and doubt about our purpose.

I’m not saying we should not want good things or aim high but I believe that with wanting to succeed to better you trusting God is essential. However, what I am talking about is how do I trust God when I need an answer or am praying for something specific and I don’t have it?

Being uncertain about an unknown circumstance or outcome does not make you less of a believer but God revealed to me that it’s a catalyst to sharpen my faith, and moreover my dependency  and trust in Him and not in my situation and the results of it, but rather the one who is in control. I need to reach to God and trust He will lead me in every season of your life. God revealed that my faith is rooted in my wants and not in Him to meet every one of my desires and want in a way He sees fit for my life. God reminded me that no one or want should replace Him above all nor can it be a substitute for Him.

“4You shall not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens above, the earth below, or the waters under the earth. 5You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God…” Exodus 20:5

So in saying that there are some things I want to share with you.

You can’t depend on what you see or your own strength.

I have made the mistake of thinking that I had to have everything under control. Perhaps, like me you have been hurt before and at times find it hard trusting people. King Solomon was someone who realised that trusting God above all things should be fundamental. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” other versions read “depend” on your own understanding or your own strength. It emphasizes to “TRUST IN THE LORD with all of your heart.” God wants to reveal himself to you on a deeper level, especially in those shaky situations of your life, to make you realise that He is constant and ever-changing but you must learn to surrender it to God. 

King Solomon also states to trust the Lord “with all of our heart.” Now, this also stands out! He did not say, “Trust the Lord with your entire mind,” because if it were that way an individual can know that they should trust, but not truly live by it which is completely different. To trust with “all of our heart,” means to live out a trust rooted in the Lord. This should be reflected in our actions. This means acting according to His promises when thoughts of doubt come you divert them back to the Lord “…demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Thoughts to Be Trained—the thoughts must be trained. Gird up the loins of the mind that it shall work in the right direction and after the order of well-formed plans; then every step is one in advance, and no effort or time is lost in following vague ideas and random plans. We must consider the aim and object of life, and ever keep worthy purposes in view. Every day the thoughts should be trained and kept to the point as the compass to the pole. Everyone should have his aims and purposes, and then make every thought and action of that character to accomplish that which he purposes. The thoughts must be controlled. There must be a fixedness of purpose to carry out that which you shall undertake.—Letter 33, 1886. (Our High Calling, 112.)

1. Seek God
 I’ve found that my most precious moments in life have been in God’s presence, as I am on my knees, crying out with all of my heart and soul. Those are the moments that we find full rest in God. In 1 Chronicles 16:11 tells us  to, “Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.” Seeking God continually means to search for God not just in our time of need or when we have plenty, but at all times! As you are driving, making decisions at work, conversing with others, making plans, or figuring out the next chapter of our life, seek God! In moments of frustration, loneliness, and desperation, seek God! Even if you are loss for words, don’t know how to approach God because the hurt is tearing you down,  Talk to Him. Even if you are resettling, you keep praying but you feel that God is not near. Seek God still!

2. Put God first
The moment we put God first, God acts on our behalf. God loves us so much and because he loves, he knows what is best for our life. He cares for our needs; he knows what is beneficial and what brings destruction.

I’m learning that God wants me to be governed by faith. My future as well as my needs is certain to God. He has all the foreknowledge, power, resources, and desire to turn everything for good for those who love Him and are called by Him (Romans 8:28).Uncertain seasons have been the most powerful God-moments I have experienced. Those moments show me that God exists and I can’t walk by sight. These seasons truly reveal my heart and what I have placed my hope in (Hebrews 11:6).

So if you are in one of those seasons, take heart. One of my favourite song lyrics by singer Tori Kelly says:

“Teach me how to love You
Show me how to trust You
More than with my words or with a song
No, it's not been easy
To live life down on my knees
But with faith I know I'll carry on

“There is more to see than with my eyes
But fear sometimes can leave me paralyzed
I realize that I'm not in control
Yet it is well with my soul”
I will trust in God, as I walk He WILL direct my paths.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

How to win the war for time with God !

HEYY Guys !!

So I have been super MIA For the past however long…. Some of it has simply been down to me being lazy as well as struggling to find inspiration to do this. Lately One thing that has been evident in my absence is the reality of spiritual warfare and the battle for having set apart bible study time l time which I have gathered from talking to numerous people is a never-ending struggle for many of us, one that we often lose. I know I do. Our attention is under attack for vain things and for the personal-approval desires that lure us online. So how do we preserve our time? 

As soon as you wake, there is a war to keep you from the word of God. I feel like this is a daily, constant war for me. When I got a full-time job, the war got even harder.  That’s not to say in school it’s not hard. But I feel like I had more meaningful distractions. You know my assignments, the netball team and plenty of undictated free time to do as I pleased.

I woke up when I had classes and appointments but apart from that I woke up when wanted to wake up. I could spend time with the word for an hour if I chose to. Now, if I want to spend uninterrupted time with God, I either need to wake up at 5am latest or schedule it in after work.

So, I think the war is, Do I make time for God, or do I try to fit God into the time that I feel like I already don’t have? When I wake up, it’s a daily decision. Ultimately the question on the line is how much do I love God?

Now they are many ways which I have found to be helpful to get my time with God in. I think we often including myself we fall into the trap that spending time with God has to be ridged in one spot. I used to beat myself up if my quiet time with God was not structured properly in my head. Then after starting work I realised to make use of all the time I have and that even means having my devotions on the bus on my phone or with my little notebook or when I’m washing the dishes or tending to my patients at work, God is still with me. I might not have the time to write out everything but I can meditate on scripture whilst on my phone or on the computer at work.

One thing I also realised is that I haven’t been properly resting in the lord. God gave us the seventh day Sabbath to rest in him and to study His ways but God showed me myself and I realised many a times I’ve been in church and realised not only did I not welcome the Sabbath properly but at times I’ve sat in church and my heart was on social media or completely distracted by what I have to do the next day when I could be having quality bible study just me and God. I’m someone who loves bible study with a passion and I was often getting upset that I couldn’t do that every day. I remember telling my friend this and she was like “err girl you have plenty of time on Friday evening and on Sabbath to get some quality time with God”. Which Is ever so true. Because let’s face it unless you have more flexible working hours in-depth bible study can be hard to do everyday but you can set apart a day or 2 in the week to do so.

I’ve realised that I’m drawn to whatever I desire and If I’m not delighting in the word of God, then most likely I’m not delighting in God himself. I think that’s ultimately what is at stake — my affections.

Psalm 37:4-6 English Standard Version (ESV)Delight yourself in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act.
    and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him, and he will act.

James 4:8 English Standard Version (ESV)Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

What are my affections in, and what am I double minded about? If my affections are in my sleep, then I’m going to treasure sleep over the word. If my affections are on Instagram and spend over an hour on there then the proof is I have time I just don’t have the desire and I need to ask God to help me to desire Him and seek Him with all my mind.

I think identifying what really is my joy is helpful. Is it God? Is it my stuff? Is it my peace — or what I think is peace, because I’m able to sit up and watch something online when I could be reading my bible? 

Although these things are great opportunities what’s ultimately at risk 
is me and God being good.

Staying connected to God is key!! Life easily gets in the way and bang I’m distracted. But I notice the change immediately in my spirit and peace of mind when I’m not connected to God. For me, this is vital so the old me doesn’t creep back in because she is not as patient as the new me lol but once you see it happening I want to encourage you to tune off the YouTube, the Instagram, the Facebook and the phone-calls and texts and talk to God. The vision will be clear again.

Just a few tips
1.    Pray for the desire to spend time with God
2.   Realise you can spend time with God anywhere, even on public transport!!
3.   Observe the Sabbath. Use that time for personal time with God and switch off all the distractions. That way you can also focus on being a blessing and being blessed in the presence of God with other believers.
4.   Don’t beat yourself up, once you see the need for God make some changes. God will help your efforts. 😊
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