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Thursday, 27 October 2016

Interrupted plans !!! But lord I know what i want

Ahhhh nothing worse than when you decide you're gonna have a good day, then all of a sudden everything goes wrong! You know one of them ones when you say you're gonna wake up early, then you miss your alarm, then you're late to do something else, or something goes wrong and it throws you off completely. Trust me I know! so like literally yesterday, I was like okay I'm gonna set my alarm a bit earlier, so I have enough time to do my devotion, go to the gym and finish of my proposal for my meeting with my supervisor before I have to meet him then go to lectures. So I prayed about it, gave it to God and went to sleep. Sounds good right ? Well let me tell you, my alarm went off, no problem, did my devotion- no problem, I went to check my phone to go over some material which I had on there, then next thing you know, my phone freezes and it decided to die and not operate. I was finished ! I had saved some material on there which I needed for my meeting as well as needing it for my gym routine amongst many other things. So basically I spent majority of my day stressing over my phone and pondering when the last time I had backed it up coz I didn't wanna lose my stuff on there. Very stressful . So later on that night before I went to sleep, I talked to God and reflected on my day and he revealed and highlighted some very important points which I believe we can all learn.


I know what I want !

You see Gods timing is everything!( that's another post on its own), we cant help but make plans and wonder when its our time for something to happen, forgetting that everything has its season (Ecclesiastes 3) and we should be anxious for nothing ! The things that we plan and aspire for are often minute matters in the overall picture of life. We want to do things now and  for our lives to go in a certain direction, forgetting that to get to those places lessons need to be learned and work needs to happen in order for us to be prepared for those things we want.

One example I can give for example is that most of us girls want love and to get married. That's fine, but God repeatedly says
do not awaken love whilst it is not yet time, Songs of Solomon 8:4
BUT  we rush ahead and talk to a guy we have no business talking to for various reasons. Then we find ourselves in a situationship or having begun something , it goes wrong and you get heartbroken because you placed so much hope in this guy rather than listening to God and putting your hope in him. Its all about Gods timing and will. Some of us are going around the same mountain every year declaring that we trust God but our heart is not really in it and we are not giving him a chance to do what he would want us to do. INSTEAD we write our own vision and put God on it ! You see that's why God has to interrupt our plans sometimes, because they are not good for us nor are they perfecting our faith- we cant place our trust on our phones, degrees, people etc. because they will fail us.
God knows the desires of our hearts, but in order for him to truly move us into all that he as in store for us, we have to delight in him, commit our ways to him and wait on him inspite of our own timings.

Romans 5:3-5

3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

The bigger picture ~

God sees the bigger picture, Isaiah 55:8-9 declares our plans are not his plans and his thoughts are not our thoughts, that's something we truly need to learn and apply in our lives. Who knows, maybe I could have been involved in an accident if I had left my house the time I had planned. We like something, we set our eyes on someone, things break, inconveniences happen, traffic makes us late, like I could go on and on. The thing is when these things happen how do we react ?,do we say okay God what are you tryna tell me about this, or do we curse and blame God, forgetting that there's a reason for everything ?

You see God is not surprised at these events,  in fact sometimes they are divinely placed in our path to change us to be more like Christ or to give us something much more better. So for example you said you wanted to be more patient, how do you react to the traffic ? Sometimes we expect these big dramatic events to take place and then we are gonna have a massive epiphany, but let me tell you in reality its through these small moments of interruptions and frustrations where we are given the opportunity to trust in God despite the craziness and to rely on him. Our characters are not defined in big moments, but rather through the little things each day which reveal what's on our hearts.

God is certainly teaching me that I'm not in control, I'm not saying not to plan for things because that would be foolish, but rather lets not hold too tightly to these plans, because we are gonna set ourselves up for disappointment and anger when God says otherwise. I'm not in control but I'm sooo glad I serve a God who is. One who is working all things for my good (Romans 8:28), who knows exactly what and who I need at the right time.
Proverbs 16:9 "A man's mind plans his ways, but the lord directs his steps"
so guys lets trust the process and "obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus."

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