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Monday, 30 January 2017

You’re doing the most! - I was ATTACKED by another Christian for my faith.

In John 15:18-27, Mark 13:13 and Matthew 10:22 we are repeatedly told by Christ that people will hate us because we choose to follow him. However, what is unfortunate is that those who profess to be Christians can be the ones to dish out the fiercest attacks!

Not long ago I met up with a fellow Christian as I was working who I hadn’t seen in a while. He asked me how I was doing and eventually the topic of religion popped up. He started asking me questions about what I believed in which I gladly answered. However, what was a pleasant conversation took a turn for the worst as he began to ask about my thoughts on certain topics in the bible. He started to get hyped up as we talked about Christianity today, the Sabbath and the Trinity. Then all of a sudden, the conversation switched to me. He started to accuse me of posting too much biblical stuff on Facebook. How he thought I was trying to act like a preacher, how I was doing too much of talking about God and how I was trying too hard to be good because I wouldn’t attend a certain event. Talk about zero to 100 real quick! Like I literally had no room to respond because he was on the defensive and had his accusations ready. I was completely taken back by this.

In my mind, as I was talking to him I tried to brush it off and I said Lord, you know I love you and everything I do Lord is for your glory and your namesake. But as he continued I got a little upset so I kindly dismissed him to carry on with my work. My mind went into overdrive! I thought to myself, this must be the devil because I don’t think I do too much for God, in fact, I could do MORE and BETTER; If I was doing too much that it was offensive, one of my friends or family would have told me … I prayed but still had some doubt then I even went as far as scrolling all the way on my Facebook profile looking for any offenses that would lead someone to believe I was doing too much. Nothing really stuck out to me as I considered maybe to stop posting about God and hold up on writing my blog. I was really upset and slightly confused because this guy basically questioned my entire character, faith, and motives with no tangible cause. I talked to a good friend of mine who is of the Muslim faith and asked him if he thought I portrayed offensive Christianity to which he replied “No” and how he actually enjoyed and got some encouragement from the verses and quotes I posted and he admired my faith etc. Later on, that evening I phoned my Dad (Love him) and he put things in perspective for me. He said to me daughter, the devil can come and attack people in different ways and sometimes he utilises people into leading you into thinking that you’re doing wrong when as a Christian, you should not be ashamed to show Gods leading in your life -Deny Christ he will deny you on the day of Judgment. He continued to say don’t be drawn into arguments with the devil for doing the work of the Lord!

That conversation with him really got me into thinking because it’s something that too often happens in the Christian faith. Basically, some Christians say statements like “you’re doing too much to try and please God. It doesn’t take all that. Why do you keep posting about this? You’re being extra”.  Like since when has that been a thing? When has trying, your best been a bad thing? In sports, they say go hard or go home, but do that for Christ, lukewarm Christians and those who enjoy sin say it’s too much. Since when?

 If people can be bold about their own beliefs and lifestyles which have nothing to do with God, then why should you deny Christ? How can you aspire and live too holy when heaven is the goal?  How is not getting drunk and going to wild parties being extra? How is warning people about the second coming of Christ too much? Maybe we aren’t doing the most and actually doing the minimum and that effort is rubbish and not even worthy to present to God.

That evening as I went to do my evening devotion, God drew me to the book of Job chapters 1 and 2, God actually asks Satan if he considered His Servant Job., God brought Job to Satan's attention, not because Job was doing wrong or “too much”, but because Job was the greatest servant of God on the earth at that time. When Job started getting attacked,his WIFE and FRIENDS who should have known better even encouraged him to curse God and die!

The devil's main focus is to divert, distract and disarm those who are promoting the rule of God on the earth as it is in heaven. He will use anything or ANYONE. Don’t let people guilt or shame you for your love for God when their own love for themselves is limiting them into accessing the intimacy and relationship with God that you have and/or are attempting to reach. Do not allow surface level people to guide you on heavenly things because they can’t understand it. If you are sold out for God continue to be in His word, don't be discouraged when you are attacked or allow yourself to be deceived into thinking that you’re doing too much for God because there is no such thing! You are being targeted because you are hitting the devil where it hurts! This is why Paul said "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers and the rulers of darkness in high places" (Ephesians 6:10-13)., The apostle Peter also tells us to resist the devil, standing firm in the faith (1 Pet. 5:9). Peter understood first hand that faith in God is pivotal against attack because, when he denied Christ three times, Jesus prayed for him that his "faith" would not fail (Luke 22:31-32). 

Do not ever think that just because God is calling you to do something that it will be easy. Jesus did the will of God and He was crucified. He died for you and me to live forever. So, let’s asks ourselves, are we doing enough and if not, how can we not do the most after Jesus has done so much for us?

Love Rejoicexox.

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Invest In yourself: My 2017 booklist

One goal I set for myself in 2017 was to read a lot more. Reading is something I have loved from a very young age. I’ve learned that it’s one of the most amazing ways to invest in your spiritual life, social life and homemaking life when you read the RIGHT books. A lot of people especially in this generation have been so consumed with work, school, media and other things that time is not made to cultivate the mind by taking time off to quieten one’s environment and pour into themselves.

 One of the reasons I said the RIGHT books is that we are in a spiritual warfare of the mind. Satan has many ways of unsettling the mind so we lose sight of God. You don’t have to believe in God to know that our world, especially the entertainment industry incorporates hate, intolerance, and violence into movies, music, books and video games in order to increase sales. These acts are a form of desensitizing our personal values, polluting our minds, and destroying our world, it is imperative that we dwell on “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable” (Philippians 4:8).

One of my favourite authors Ellen G White said “Satan knows that to a great degree the mind is affected by that upon which it feeds. He is seeking to lead both the youth and those of mature age to read story-books, tales, and other literature. The readers of such literature become unfitted for the duties lying before them. They live an unreal life, and have no desire to search the Scriptures, to feed upon the heavenly manna. The mind that needs strengthening is enfeebled, and loses its power to study the great truths that relate to the mission and work of Christ,—truths that would fortify the mind, awaken the imagination, and kindle a strong, earnest desire to overcome as Christ overcame.” (Ellen White, The Youth's Instructor, Oct. 9, 1902.)

In saying that, THIS is my current reading list and some thoughts on the books:

1.     The Bible

I already read the bible and to be honest, it's my most picked up book, but I need to read it more. This year I greatly desire to grow deeper in my relationship with God. I want to know my maker and designer of this universe. I want more about Jesus, His thoughts, His plans, His character, and to know more of why He does what He does. Furthermore, as a Christian I ought to have engraved in my mind what I believe, why and where it’s found. So I’m currently on a bible reading plan. One plan which I like and also incorporates additional literature is from (http://www.prophesyagain.org/bible-reading-plan)

2.     Reflecting Christ (Ellen G White)
This is the book I’m currently reading for my daily devotionals. As Christians, our responsibility is to share with others what God has shown to us. Ellen G. White  had much to say about this responsibility—and the transforming effect of beholding Christ. This complete change of heart affects not only the spiritual life but also the physical, mental, and social.

3.     Patience in the midst of Trials and Afflictions (Samuel Pipim)
This book insightfully explains the nature of patience, why God permits trials and afflictions, and how you can benefit from them.

4.     Messages to Young People (Ellen G white)
This compilation answers many of the questions that arise concerning Christian conduct in a modern world such as - God's Purpose for the Youth, The Conflict with Sin, Gaining Victories, Preparation for the Life Work, Health and Efficiency, The Home Life, Courtship and Marriage. One thing I love about this book is that It can be read based on themes and sub themes.

5.     Praying for your Future Husband (Gunn and Goyer)
In Praying for Your Future Husband, Robin and Tricia share their two vastly different experiences, including the things they did right and the mistakes they made on the path to meeting and marrying their husbands. Each chapter includes helpful Bible verses, prayers, and practical application, along with true stories of women who prayed for a husband and how God answered in remarkable ways.

6.     The Purpose Room: A Meeting Place Where You Discover, Birth and Accomplish Your God-Given Purpose (Heather Lindsey)
Heather Lindsey shares her years of living purposeless without Jesus. She candidly shares her peaks, pitfalls, and what she has learned along the way as the Lord has revealed His purpose to her. If you’ve ever struggled with identifying, being afraid of, or walking in your purpose, this book is for you.

7.     When God Writes Your Love Story (Eric and Leslie Ludy)
In their most popular book, bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy challenge singles to take a fresh approach to relationships in a culture where love has been replaced by cheap sensual passion. 

8. Spanning the Abyss: How the Atonement Brings Humanity and God Together ( Angel Rodriguez)

9. When God says Remember (Mark Finley)
This small book asks and answers questions about the Bible Sabbath, its origins, its history, and its relevance today.

10. Mind, Character and Personality (Ellen G White)

Being a Psychology major at University I’m super interested in the mind lol! This volume has been on my mental reading list for the longest! 
This first volume includes sections on the study of the mind, the development of the mind, basic relationships, the growing personality, life’s energizing force, selfishness and self-respect, adolescence and youth, and guiding principles in education. This second volume includes sections on the interrelationship of body and mind, mental health, emotional problems, problems in adjustment, personality, thoughts and their influences, false systems of therapy, principles and their application, and practical psychology.

Reading is such great joy and insight. I can’t wait to read, ponder and reflect on these books! I would really encourage you to pick up a book and start a reading habit. Use the knowledge acquired from your readings as a means to create deeper connections with your family, friends, and community. SHARING IS CARING !

Love, Rejoicexox

Monday, 2 January 2017

Overcoming negative thinking: 5 steps towards more peace in the new year.

In our excitement to welcome the new year it can be easy to forget that just like the previous year, everything WILL NOT be perfect and most likely you will be carrying over the same old mindset into the new. Challenges will arise and there are gonna be issues you need to address. However, I’m so grateful that we serve a constant God, if he could strengthen us through last year, he is faithful to do the same this year. However, to make this life a little bit easier, we have to work with him and protect our peace. This is incredibly vital because eventually the newness of the year is gonna wear off and if we are not careful our emotions are gonna run our lives when people get on our nerves or most importantly when we fail to meet the expectations we set for ourselves. I’ve come to realise that it’s in those moments that it becomes easy to forget who we are through Christ and who we are living for.

Now the reason I thought it was important to write about this, is because that’s an area I sometimes really struggle with and God had to check me on this. If I’m to be completely honest with you, I had one too many tantrums last year and allowed seeds to grow in my life that should have never been planted which led me to be VERY upset. I was an emotional mess until God went and got me together. I remember one night as I was having my devotional I cried in frustration to God because I just felt so attacked by thoughts in my own head!

It was literally as if my mind was plagued with things I wanted to happen, events, and worries about my future. I cried Lord I claim your word that “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13) and you “…have plans to prosper me and give me an expected end...” (Jeremiah 29:11) but I’m finding it hard to be positive and walk out in faith claiming your promises! What I knew I ought to do, it seemed impossible for me to do and I was about ready to be done. As I sat talking to God I began to cry because of all my anxieties and He spoke to me and said
 “Rejoice, what door is open in your life that you’re allowing the devil to come through and breed these false and negative thoughts? Are you allowing social media such as Instagram, relationship posts and the music you’re listening to, to plants seeds of discontentment? Who are you following, watching and wanting to be like that it's causing you to doubt who I say you are. I need you to guard your heart Rejoice so I can tell you my secrets and show you my heart and things that are unseen, not these temporary earthly attainments. Stop using these things to make you feel good about yourself, I want your entire heart and you have to grow up. Once you let go of these worldly ideals can you then be content in every area of your life. My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in your weakness”.
 In that moment, I repented to God for putting other things before him. I also decided to hit back negativity with the word of God and what he says about me, not what is fed on media and other people’s expectations. The world will and IS trying to deceive you by telling you that if you don’t have this or are going through that, then your life ain’t popping, you’re missing out or could be better. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with setting goals for ourselves, but we are to fix our eyes on Jesus for heaven is the ultimate goal (Colossians 3:1-2).  Trusting in the Lord brings ultimate safety, peace, joy and assurance of the future. This is a daily decision you will have to make if you want to win against Satan’s attacks and threatening thoughts. We can't afford to be distracted by silly things when there is heaven on the line. What door have you kept open which the devil comes in to steer you off track? Now I’m going to share with you, my 5 practical tips which help guard me against negativity and fear in order to keep my peace.
  1.      Put on the whole armour of God- look at Ephesians 6:14-17. Too many of us are refusing to get dressed each morning and are walking around in rags or even naked, because we don’t read and apply the word of God DAILY and wonder why things aren’t going so well.(Belt of truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of the gospel of peace, Shield of faith and Helmet of truth.)We are in a spiritual warfare and our salavation is on the line!
  2.    Mind your company- Bad company corrupts good character ( 1 Corinthians 15:33). Whether we like it or not the people and the things we entertain rub off on us, hence why we start to imitate friends’ expressions or characters on the tv shows we watch. If you have friends who are constantly talking down about themselves or other people or better yet if they love to sit and compare other people’s lives etc it's time to evaluate those friendships. If you allow yourself to feed of those types of conversations, they will start to affect you in your subconscious and you wonder why you’re negative?? A person who TRULY loves God will not actively go and engage in an environment which does not cultivate their faith or is contrary to the bible without being UNCOMFORTABLE or CONVICTED.
  3.    Believe the best! -  Why are you talking to Satan? You need to capture those thoughts and make them obedient to the word of God. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but through him, you’re more than a conqueror.  I always try and base my thoughts on Philippians 4:8. (whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable). I like to ask myself Is what I’m thinking true or have I made up this scenario in my head and ran off with it, now I’m making myself feel bad over what’s not a reality? Am I being led by my feelings and emotions which change? What is the goal of thinking these bad thoughts? There is always good in something so dwell on the positive. Track down your stimuli and get tough with them! What gets your mind going? Is it the explore tab on Instagram, music or a particular tv show ?
  4.   Know what the Bible says -  if you’re not sure go to the Bible or go and google some verses concerning your situation then go sit before the Lord. If you don’t know of what God says about you and the future how can you have assurance? The bible will put things in perspective for you and help you to stop making bad decisions and running ahead of God.
  5.    Spend time with God- How can you have trust and love for someone you don’t know? Time with God is pure JOY and only He can meet your needs and give you the SPECIFIC diagnosis for whatever is happening in your life. Too often we like to look at other people’s spiritual experiences and lives and then compare it to ours etc. Trust me I have done that! The only person we need to be looking at is God for he was the ultimate example. God wants to spent time with you, Jeremiah 33:3 is just one of many examples where God has called us and said “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”.  Only when you spend time with him and APPLY the word, you are able to be unbothered by negativity and concentrate more on living a life pleasing to God that will draw others to Him. 

No matter what happens this year, let’s not forget the work God is doing in us and wants to complete in us. As we pray for blessings and opportunities this new year, lets pray that God imparts in us a steadfast spirit that will endure all the hardships to come. Let us pray that we don’t feed our imaginations, fantasies and daydreams based on loneliness, anxiety or desperation. Let us pray that the lord will renew us. As Romans 12:2 says “Don't copy the behaviour and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Things will happen and we can’t control all that will happen, however, we do have the CHOICE to depend on the Lord.

REMEMBER Cheerfulness Brightens the Pathway—It is the duty of everyone to cultivate cheerfulness instead of brooding over sorrow and troubles. Many not only make themselves wretched in this way, but they sacrifice health and happiness to a morbid imagination. There are things in their surroundings that are not agreeable, and their countenances wear a continual frown that more plainly than words expresses discontent.2MCP 759.1

These depressing emotions are a great injury to them healthwise, for by hindering the process of digestion they interfere with nutrition. While grief and anxiety cannot remedy a single evil, they can do great harm; but cheerfulness and hope, while they brighten the pathway of others, “are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.”—The Signs of the Times, February 12, 1885. (My Life Today, 153.)

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